An Answer
Setelah feeling depressed and lost selama hampir setahun, i finally seems to find my way back. Ini ga gampang. Trigger-nya datang tiba-tiba waktu gw video call sama adek gw yang lagi pulang kampung, ngobrol tatap muka sama Mama, yang biasanya cuman denger suara doank, dan gw suddenly feels home. Bikin gw ngerasa, no matter what happen, they will always be there and giving me the unconditional love and supports as a family.
They remind me that love always be there, only if you brave enough to reach it.
Dan disinilah gw, ngebongkar kembali all the old things that i love. Gw bongkar lemari penuh novel-novel fantasi yang udah lama dan berdebu banget. Gw buka - buka dan baca-baca sekilas. Gw mikir "Anjir, ini asik banget lho. Kenapa bisa gw tinggalin sih?". I was like, "I don't care. Let's do this again."
"Over time, little by little, we stop doing the things we love. We don’t stop for any particular reason, but one crazy week follows another busy month and somehow years go by without it. Then we realize we’ve moved on and left something behind—something we still love.
But these things that we love are a part of us. And when we get too busy for them, we’re not just giving up the thing; we’re giving up a part of ourselves.
I didn’t plan to let that happen. I didn’t lose that part of myself on purpose. But we never plan to, do we?" ~ ChristyBWright
Begitulah, gw mulai menulis lagi di blog ini. Gw ngerasa excitement itu lagi, dimana gw ga sabar mau pulang ke kostan karena ada cerita yang ga tahan pengen gw lanjutin. Gw bahkan excited ketika mikirin rencana untuk solo travelling yang sebelumnya berasa ga mungkin banget jadi ke "you can do it!"
I feel waay better than i ever feel this year. Let's hope it lasts.
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